Migraine Work and Productivity Loss Questionnaire (MWPLQ)



To asses the impact of migraine headache on work and productivity

Targeted Population

  • Migraine Disorders

Copyright holder

Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA


Original Language(s)

  • English for the USA

Conditions of use

License agreement needed

Please request access via ePROVIDETM


Lerner DJ, Amick BC 3rd, Malspeis S. The migraine work and productivity loss questionnaire: concepts and design. Qual Life Res. 1999 Dec;8(8):699-710.

Davies GM, Santanello N, Gerth W. Validation of a migraine work and productivity loss questionnaire for use in migraine studies. Cephalalgia. 1999 Jun;19(5):497-502.

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