Asthma Symptom Diary (ASD)



To capture the frequency and inconvenience of daytime asthma symptoms and their effects on activities, and capture awakenings with asthma symptoms

Targeted Population

  • Asthma

Copyright holder

Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA


Original Language(s)

  • English for the USA

List of Translations


  • Hebrew for Israel
  • French for Canada
  • English for Canada
  • Spanish for Colombia
  • Spanish for Peru
  • English for the UK
  • Spanish for Mexico

Conditions of use

License agreement needed

Please request access via ePROVIDETM


Santanello NC, Barber BL, Reiss TF. Measurement characteristics of two asthma symptom diary scales for use in clinical trials. Eur Respir J. 1997 Mar;10(3):646-51.

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